
Our Ministry Statement

LICCF provides Christian ministry to individuals, families and society in solidarity with the guidance and prophetic vision of the international Roman Catholic Women priests movement. We are rooted in the the life-giving aspects of the Roman Catholic sacramental tradition, while maintaining a commitment to ecumenical sharing, spiritual openness and interfaith dialogue.We are inspired by the women and men who lived with Jesus. These were people who listened with their hearts to Jesus’ message and who gave witness to the transformative power of his intimate relationship with God.

Jesus’ earliest disciples responded with their whole selves to his call for compassionate action. This is our model for ministry. As a community, we celebrate, share and rejoice in the love that God our Creator offers us as we break bread together and strive to become a centre of love, hope and service for one another and the wider world.All people who wish to join us are welcome in our community and at the Eucharistic table.