Indigenous Allyship

History of colonization

Video with great cinematography tells the story of settlement in Canada with interviews of Indigenous people from across the country. Anglican Church production, 2019

No Surrender: The Land Remains Indigenous by Sheldon Krasowski (University of Regina Press, 2019).

Papal bull influence in the USA

Lecture (1 hr.) by Mark Charles: The Trauma of the Doctrine of Discovery

Systemic Racism in Canada

“What systemic racism in Canada looks like” YouTube 10 min.


Book suggestion: How to be an Anti-Racist by Jason Robin 2020


Robyn Ward, Canadian settler and Animikii Director of People uses Brené Brown’s “BRAVING” anacronym for defining “trust” to explain what it means to be an ally to Indigenous people in her article, “Building Trust before Truth: How Non-Indigenous Canadians Become Allies.” February 22, 2019 Click Here

White Privilege

Peggy McIntosh’s “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” defines White Privilege from a personal perspective in Peace and Freedom, July/August, 1989. Article: Click Here

In USA Robin DiAngelo on White Fragility (broadcast only)

OR (visual lecture with Robin DiAngelo)

Wisdomkeepers’ and Elders’ Teachings

Edmund Metatawabin CBC Green Interview

Listening to Indigenous Voices, book Jesuit Forum Novalis 2020.

Returning to Spirit (reconciliation retreat and training in listening) Click Here

Kairos blanket exercise (KBE) Click Here

Richard Wagamese book One Drum ritual for everyone Pat McCabe video on water

Pat McCabe trauma talk

Water walkers 4 min. video (2017) Click Here

A few Indigenous musicians on Turtle Isand

Adrian Sutherland When the Magic Hits – 2021 album (Junos) Magic Hits

Other songs

Logan Staats

Dakota Bear

Books suggested

First Nations Version of the New Testament

Legacy: Trauma, Story and Indigenous - Healing Suzanne Methot

Braiding Sweetgrass - Robyn Wall Kimmerer

Listening to Indigenous Voices Click Here