December 29th there will be a Eucharist @ 10AM MST   |   January 1st there will be a Eucharist @ 11AM MST
Spiritual direction or companioning is most often a one-on-one opportunity to be listened to, lovingly, in a safe space, usually once a month, for one hour. Spiritual companions are trained in listening in a loving, prayerful manner. We recognize the wisdom of the holy to be present and prompt a deepening of life experience through questions, awareness of the body, opening dreams, sacred reading, silence and more.
Whether your life is going well or you are working through a dry period spiritually, are troubled or sorrowful or uncertain, to be listened to can be a sacred encounter. One is accepted, met with compassion and offered the freedom to speak or be quiet without being judged. Being met in this way can help with decision-making, with understanding one’s relationship with the divine and is a way to be introduced to fresh ways to pray.
The first session is always free. At the time of your first visit you and your companion can come to a financial arrangement that works for you.
Several spiritual companions are part of LICCF and at this time, the following people are open to listening to stories from your life: Valerie Black, Pat Boehm, Teresa Hanlon, Vincent Hanlon, Sharon Holtman, Vickie MacArthur. More information is available at the Lethbridge SD website