December 29th there will be a Eucharist @ 10AM MST   |   January 1st there will be a Eucharist @ 11AM MST
LICCF is a mix of people from various Christian and non-Christian denominations who
The ministry of LICCF is to live by the Spirit of Christ revealed in the gospels, nature, and the signs of the times. Our catholic liturgies are renewed through inclusive language, contemporary spiritual writers’ prayers and an open table Eucharist. We acknowledge Indigenous territory and Treaty promises as sacred and promote the expression of all people and cultures, regardless of religion, colour, gender, age and sexual orientation. Bouyed by contemplative body practice, we move with compassionate action to alleviate injustice, poverty, and the climate/earth crisis. In short, we live the values of RCWP Canada:
Equality, Justice, Accountability, Collegiality, Prophetic Obedience.