LGBTQIA2S Allyship

4th Century Christian same sex couple on sarcophagi demonstrating the acceptance of same sex marriage in early Christianity.

LICCF celebrates LGBTQIA2S (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit) folks. Our community includes and welcomes fully into the life of community the gifts of LGBTQIA2S presence, worship, leadership, and sacrament. In living out who we truly are is the fullness of divine love in our midst.

Homophobic and transphobic judgement and exclusion have too long marginalized many devout people and blinded church communities to the rich life in Christ expressed through LBGTQIA2S genders. What Janet Somerville (a past general secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (1997-2002)) said about racism, applies to homo-and transphobia as well. In the 2006 CEARN resource, For God So Loved the People of the World, [Janet Somerville] wrote,

K.D.Lang on Sound and Silence, Sacred Singing NFB clip "5 minutes"

‘To face and understand racism, [homophobia, and transphobia] and to accept with Christ the cost of overcoming it,
is a concrete way to receive into history the grace of salvation.
Making real, vital room for each other in our racial [and gender] diversity is a costly, just path
towards the joy that rings out in today’s words from Psalm 107. O give thanks to [God] for [God] is good, says that psalm, because
God has gathered us in from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.
Sure we have differences, but our diversity is part of God’s creative delight.’ (Quoted from a tribute to Janet’s life).