Come pray in community and sing with live musicians. We celebrate with chairs in a circular arrangement to emphasize equality of all. The liturgical prayers and readings are in inclusive language and often feature contemporary spiritual writers. We observe quiet moments. Readings are guided by the Comprehensive Catholic Lectionary (Women's Ordination Conference) and the Christian scripture is often read from the First Nations Version of the New Testament translation. We prepare both wheat and gluten-free breads for consecration. Centrally located, the Theatre Gallery site is barrier free and spacious. All are welcome at the table of thanksgiving.
We celebrate morning Eucharist at Hanlons’ residence almost every Wednesday at 11 AM. Check our calendar for cancellations. All are welcome.
Join folks from across Canada and beyond the first Sunday of each month at 10 am Calgary time. We invite you to bring a candle, bread, and wine or alternates to the table Link up with us by Zoom on a device or by telephone. We sing along with YouTube music, and for 15 minutes in breakout rooms we share our noticings in regard to the readings and homily before consecrating the gifts together and sharing in a final blessing. Join our zoom mass with this link here. Find the worship aid here