December 29th there will be a Eucharist @ 10AM MST   |   January 1st there will be a Eucharist @ 11AM MST
Indian Battle Park in a riparian area of old growth cottonwood trees in the Oldman River Valley.
Much of the valley is under stress from decreased spring ooding and drought over the past
several years.
3 hours on a warm and sunny Sunday afternoon, the autumnal equinox, September 22, 2024.
7 persons along with Trevor Potter, guide for our forest walk.
A gentle guided walk, with lots of time for observation, silence, and intermittent, shared
reactions among the participants.
“What do you notice?” asks Trevor, more than once. “What is alive for you, today?”
A closing ceremony of thanksgiving, celebration, drinking blueberry tea and eating snacks
prepared in advance by Trevor.
To reect, alone and together, on our relationship with nature, the environment, the river, air,
light, colours, trees, smells, squirrels, temperature, deadfall, leaf cover, butteries, asters,
brush, soil, grass, sparrows, deer, sounds.
What next
Forest walk and a campre in a winter wonderland, January 2025.
Date to be conrmed. Please check the website.