Book Study

This is not a religious book study, but an opportunity to grow in awareness of First Nations voices and perspectives.

No cost except for the book: $19.95 plus shipping

Book Title: Listening to Indigenous Voices, Novalis publishing.

Description: Canada does not have an “Indigenous” problem. It has a colonization problem, says Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Environmental Justice Deborah McGregor, an Anishinaabe from Whitefish River First Nation, Birch Island, Ontario. Those of us who have benefited from colonization have a responsibility to address the system that has enriched us by stealing the land and lives of Indigenous Peoples. The first steps in this process are to listen deeply to what Indigenous Peoples are saying to us, to open ourselves to be transformed by their words, and to act based on what they are telling us to address injustices. Created as 11 separate chapter-workshops, this book incorporates many Indigenous voices so that readers-participants can: • Increase their knowledge about the diverse Indigenous Peoples of Canada; • Explore the history, practices, and underlying ideas of colonization in Canada; • Transform themselves in a way that seeks to redress past wrongs and move towards right relationships • Explore concrete pathways towards right relationships, decolonization, and re-indigenization

The website, complements each chapter with supplemental audio-visual material.

It can be ordered here: Link to book

Some books are available in Lethbridge. Call: 403-359-0812 or Text Jackie: 403-915-2513

10 sessions, September 5 - November 14 | Thursdays 6:30 - 8 PM MST, No Session Halloween night, Oct 31. Study will run on-line and in person at Hanlons near Lethbridge

A recurring link for those who cannot make it in-person:

This is the third offering of this study. Those who attended previously are welcome to make up sessions they missed or come again. Bonus material will differ from last year.

Please register with LICCF leaving your Name, Email Address and whether you prefer to attend In-Person or Online.